Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

The phenomenon of gay
The human body is designed in such a way that all the functions by our creator poopeh owned used perannya' respectively, according to ' turns on practice no semulus it. The man as a lance inspire making plugs electricity and women as inspiring stop landasaan contact not inhibit mereka-mereka who want to change this. Man with women now a man with men. ' spear with tombak'. What drives the adam to move the bow has long been question mark for me until finally the question mark turned exclamation the findings of some explanation about it.
Where why men can be gay, turning the bow there were more than one. Bailey et al ( in diffuse, ; crookss & ampères. 2006 ) suggest some points of view about why someone to be homosexual. First, of genetic viewpoint. Some say that a gay having biological factors, as hormone that supports itself having a sexual attraction to fellow lelaki.asal poverty why men can be gay, turning the bow there were more than one. Bailey et al ( in diffuse, ; crookss & ampères. 2006 ) suggest some points of view about why someone to be homosexual. First, of genetic viewpoint. Some say that a gay having biological factors, as hormone that supports itself having a sexual attraction to fellow man.
Not thrill losin, gay viewed from the perspective of psychoanalysis. The figure having viewpoints freudian psychoanalysis or, equivalently call the agreed that babies are perverse, polymorphus namely direction of sexuality farel altogether having no distinction neither male nor female. Babies direct object seksualitasnya to ' pantas' and regarded ' no pantas'. For example, for the baby unconsciously, these babies seksualitasnya directing toward an object as keyhole, glass, and other objects to which symbolically emblematize female sexuality. If there is any, errors in directing seksualitasnya then there is the possibility that homosexuality would happen.
Another thing with views of the theory of learning. These human beings are sexual, but human are not creatures heterosexual or a homosexual. So, only through learning, human know that man will become homosexual or heterosexual.
Basically what the influence of the environment, focusing namely sosiokultural influence. The most easily is influence of ' labelling'. Suppose we put labels to our friends, that he is gay increasingly, although our friends are imen normal will think about what was said by those around them. Then from the process it is possible that our friends had self-trust low or easily affected words others, and be a homosexual.


Lazarus, Richard S. 1991. Progress on a cognitive-motivational-relational theory of Emotion. American Psychologist
Suryabrata, Sumadi, 1986. Psikologi Kepribadian. Jakarta : CV. Rajawali
John W. Santrock, 1995,Perkembangan Masa, Jakarta:Erlangga.

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