Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Towards a Dreamland

The process leading to dream land when we sleep, we dream often.  And when we wake up from sleep, we do not know how that dream happen. How does the process toward dreamland ? following we will present a bit of discussion. Sleep patterns follow a certain sequence of events, which can repeat itself. When sleeping, we experienced four stages of sleep, ranging from stage to stage semi-conscious sleep or eyes flicker slow or non-REM (nonRapid - Eye -Movement). Heart rate and respiratory rate decreases and slows down brain activity.
After 90 minutes, the stage of deep sleep or switch to a floating stage of rapid eye flicker or REM (Rapid-Eye-Movement). Eyes moving under the eyelids and there have been a dream. Respiratory rate and heart rate continues to rise, and increased brain activity. The body is not moving and the muscles in a state of paralysis. After five minutes or ten minutes, people will go back to sleep to experience deep sleep. Throughout the night this pattern repeated up to five times the REM sleep phase begins every 90 minutes interval. Timescales shorter sleep continues to be on all night, and increasingly elongated period of REM sleep. Last REM period lasting up to 50 minutes.
Internal factors which influence the dreams of which: Physical health and balance of the body element, changes in organ activity, and memory. If there are events that are quite impressive in daily events, it will be recorded and can appear as a dream. Emotions can also be a factor that causes dreams. Activity strong emotions can emerge into the dream. Depiction can be opposite or in line with the strong emotions that is affecting us.            
That dream happened in ourselves and what might be a factor in the dream in our sleep. Still a little bit of our knowledge about the dream and its meaning. Many are trying to interpret dreams, since the days of Sigmund Freud even until now. And what is in our dreams may well be true. So make your sweet dreams a reality for yourself .

Ira Puspitawati, Iriani Indri Hapsari. 2012.Psikologi faal: tinjauan psikologi dan fisiologi dalam memahami perilaku manusia. Rosda

James W. Kalat. 2009. Biopsikologi. Salemba Empat. Jakarta

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