Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

skill and talent in our life

Bingham (1986) describes the talent is a condition or a set of characteristics or capabilities of a person with a specific exercise memeungkinkannya achieve a proficiency, knowledge and specific ketrmpilan, such as language proficiency, the ability to play music and others. Crow & amp; Crow in his General Psychology as dikutup by Nurkancana (1993: 191), said that: the talent is a quality that look at human behaviour in a particular field of expertise as suat music, art, writing proficiency in mathematics, expertise in the field of machines, or other skills.

A skill is the learned ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both[citation needed]. In other words the abilities that one possesses. Skills can often be divided into domain-general and domain-specific skills. For example, in the domain of work, some general skills would include time management, teamwork and leadership, self motivation and others, whereas domain-specific skills would be useful only for a certain job. Skill usually requires certain environmental stimuli and situations to assess the level of skill being shown and used.

my opinion about skill and talents is A person's talents and abilities greatly determine a person's accomplishments. An example is when someone has a talent in the areas of geometric figures, she predicted would be able to achieve an outstanding achievement in the field of the number or count. Needs to be emphasised that it is talent still is potential, because someone who is not necessarily talented can achieve a high achievement in her field if she had not developed the talent yet. Special talents who obtained the maximum opportunity and developed early on as well as supported by the facilities and motifasi is high, will be realized in the form of superior achievement.

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