Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Are You Know Dislexia ?

Dyslexia is a learning disability on a person's condition is caused by the difficulty in carrying on the activity of reading and writing. In general, this limitation is only directed at a person difficulty in reading and writing, but not limited to the development of the standard capabilities such as intelligence, the ability to analyze and sensory power is also on the sense of taste. The term dyslexia is also used to refer to a person loses the ability to read the result of damage to the brain due. Dyslexia on this type is often referred to as Aleksia. In addition to influencing the ability to read and write, also suspected dyslexia also affect the ability to speak in a few infected.
People with dyslexia are not physically be seen as a patient. Dyslexia is not just limited to the inability of a person to compose or read a sentence in reverse order, but also in a variety of sequences, including from top to bottom, left and right, and hard to accept orders that should be followed to the memory in the brain. This often causes the concentration considered dyslexic in some respects. In other cases, also found that patients are not able to answer questions such as description, length.
The researchers found dysfunction is caused by a condition of unstable brain biochemistry and also in some cases due to congenital offspring from parents. There are two types of dyslexia, namely dyslexsia developmental (congenital) and aquired dyslexsia (obtained due to disturbances or changes in the way the left brain reading). Developmental dyslexsia patients suffered throughout life and are usually genetic. Some studies suggest that the disease is associated with dysfunction of the gray areas in the brain. Dysfunction is associated with changes in connectivity in phonological areas (reading). Some early signs of dyslexia default is late talking, no clear articulation and upside down , difficulty in learning the shape and sound of letters, confusion between the concepts of space and time, as well as verbal instructions indigestion, fast, and sequential. At school age, most people with dyslexia may have difficulty combining letters into words, difficulty reading, difficulty holding fine stationery, and difficulty in receiving.
Famous figures who are known to have dyslexia dysfunction is Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, Bella Thorne, Orlando Bloom, Whoopi Goldberg, Vanessa Amorosi Lee Kuan Yew, and Florence Welch.         

Chaplin, James P. (2000) Dictionary of Psychology. Jakarta: P.T. King Grafindo Persada.
Permanasari, Indira  (2010). "Disleksia: Mereka (Tetap) Anak Pintar". Kompas.

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