Senin, 09 Desember 2013


Often a person's evaluation of other people based only on appearance when the people first interact. In other words, people often judge people based solely on their first appearance. People who display a good impression when first met, tend to be considered good for all. Bias or deviation like this is usually referred to as the halo effect bias. However sometimes we also tend to judge people who display a bad impression when we first met him as a bad person. This is referred to as the negativity Bias.
     A tendency to rely on judgments against others on a first impression would be or cause bias because of a false assertion made that are not based on complete information (sarlito, 2009) information about the person is obtained at the time of first met does not represent the entirety of the person's thoughts and feelings.
     In everyday life, it is not often we judge a person from a series of actions that we can associate with certain properties. For example for example, a lecture at the time when it begins more or less half an hour, enter a student arriving late. With the search for Student Rush seats are still empty and available for her. After sitting the students immediately took out some stuff from tasanya to tergopoh-gopoh, then enter again into his bag because it does not find the items they want. Then with tergopoh also he is looking for something in your pocket and celannya and it seems like she found what she was looking for. The clothes he wore rumpled look and her hair is not tersisir neat. From the example the example, we could have just as easily found this as a person who does not and cannot regulate tertip himself well and also people are messy. Our assessment is that accurate? It could be, not. The students were showing such behavior, it could be because on the way to the campus of the troubled aircraft vehicle on the road, so he didn't get to again prepare him better, so the rush towards the campus.
     The tendency to put internal factor or cause considerable disposisional, shown by many people. The phenomenon which is characterized by a tendency to consider factor causes less ekternal by Jones (1979), referred to as koresponensi bias. Another perception of Bias that tends to be done by the people most is biased towards its own group or so called in-group bias or favoritism (group in favoritism towards the group itself. This Bias is caused because we have kecendurungan to like members of our own group than members of other groups (Allaen and Wilder, 1975).
     in certain circumstances, it is very likely we are also showing a bias which conflicts with a member in the group. Such a Bias could be due to our own group members behave as a negative. It means that our group members have shifted from the values and norms of the group. This Bias is related to the problems of our social group identity. When someone in a group social I did something good then I also feel good about myself. But if someone from my group did a bad thing, then I feel bad too, moderate course this happened because I know that other people are going to judge me based on the behaviour of the members of my group to join. In such circumstances, I might treat or evaluate the bad things done by the members of my group were more negative than similar nasty things shown people from other groups. Well the conditions or circumstances in the social psychology known as black sheep effect or black sheep effect (Marques & Leyens, 1988).
    The Bias in social perception can also occur due to an asymmetry between the own group and other groups (in-out-group group asymmetry), i.e. the tendency of people to memepersepsikan own group with standard ways with different means and standard perceives other people.
    in certain circumstances, it is very likely we are also showing a bias which conflicts with a member in the group. Such a Bias could be due to our own group members behave as a negative. It means that our group members have shifted from the values and norms of the group. This Bias is related to the problems of our social group identity. When someone in a group social I did something good then I also feel good about myself. But if someone from my group did a bad thing, then I feel bad too, moderate course this happened because I know that other people are going to judge me based on the behaviour of the members of my group to join. In such circumstances, I might treat or evaluate the bad things done by the members of my group were more negative than similar nasty things shown people from other groups. Well the conditions or circumstances in the social psychology known as black sheep effect or black sheep effect (Marques & Leyens, 1988).
     The Bias in social perception can also occur due to an asymmetry between the own group and other groups (in-out-group group asymmetry), i.e. the tendency of people to memepersepsikan own group with standard ways with different means and standard perceives other people.

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