Senin, 09 Desember 2013


Juvenile delinquency
Juvenile delinquency includes all the behaviors that deviate from the norms of criminal law committed by juveniles. Such behavior would harm himself and those around him.

Education experts agree that teenagers are those aged 13-18 years. At that age, a person is beyond childhood, but it is still not mature enough to be considered an adult. He was at the time of the transistor
The causes of juvenile delinquency

Behavior 'naughty' teen can be caused by factors of adolescents themselves (internal) and external factors (external).
A.    Internal factors:

  1. Identity crisis: biological and sociological changes in the adolescent self allows for two forms of integration. First, the formation of a sense of consistency in his life. Second, the role of identity achievement. Ramaja delinquency occurs because teens fail to reach the second integration period.
  2. Weak self-control: Teenagers are not able to learn and discern behavior that is acceptable to unacceptable behavior will be dragged on the 'naughty'. Likewise for those who already know the differences in behavior of the two, but could not develop the self-control to act in accordance with his knowledge.
B.     External factors:

    1. Family and Divorce of parents, lack of communication between family members, or disputes between family members can lead to negative behaviors in adolescents. Education was wrong in the family, such as too indulgent child, not giving religious education, or denial of the existence of the child, can be a cause of juvenile delinquency.
    2.  Poor peer
    3. Community / neighborhood unfavorable.
          by : Farichatun Ni'mah  (12410128)

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