Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

the phenomenon of language

. Without you realize when you are reading this article, you were involved in one of the most interesting cognitive process, it was during this time a lot of things not yet we know in our lives, but we have experienced the process. Humans are social animals which are unable to live alone, always require the help of another person. In dealing with other people definitely do communication between them. In communicating the human need that tool as a communication process that is language. How a mind influencing the minds of others through language. In the process, a number of cells that are arranged on the brain official will be changed permanently, some new thoughts will be established, and literally you will change. The intricate process that occurs every day, not everyone is aware of it. Not only humans use language as a tool of communication but animals also use their own language in their dealings with other animals.
Language according to cognitive psychologists, is a system of communication which thoughts delivered with intermediary voices (as in conversation) or symbols (as in in the words written or physical cues cues). Since small we are trained to speak by our parents, using language, and since then we started collecting words and we save in our verbal dictionary called leksokon, which makes us able to talk and communicate with others. Without language we cannot communicate well. But most of the other words we can understand and constantly new words are constantly produced, not just stop there, After you've collected all of the words, the words are arranged into phrases and sentences.
As humans we can never be separated from the language, the language will always accompany us in life. Language is the main means of human communication, how the most common exchange of information. Language processing is a critical component in the storage of information processing, thinking, and problem solving.

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