Abnormal psychology is the
branch of psychology
that studies unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought, which may or may not be understood as precipitating a
disorder. Although many behaviours could be considered as abnormal,
this branch of psychology generally deals with behavior in a clinical context.
The science of abnormal psychology studies two
types of behaviors: adaptive and maladaptive behaviors. Behaviors that are
maladaptive suggest that some problem(s) exist, and can also imply that the
individual is vulnerable and cannot cope with environmental stress, which is
leading them to have problems functioning in daily life. Clinical psychology is the applied field
of psychology that seeks to assess, understand and treat psychological
conditions in clinical practice. The theoretical field known as 'abnormal
psychology' may form a backdrop to such work, but clinical psychologists in the
current field are unlikely to use the term 'abnormal' in reference to their
Many studies have shown that a number of these
factors may come into play in the life of an individual suffering from a mental
disorder characterized by abnormal behavior. As far as this, the meaning
of abnormal is something that un usual, not normaly like people usual, and so
on. Many factor that make some one being an abnormal person. May be because their genetic, their
behavior, their parents
attachment, their food, or their destiny. But they are here for remind us that we must always be thanking to our
god. We are a normal person. Okay, that all my opinion and what I think about
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