Abraham Maslow is known as the pioneer of humanistic psychology stream. Maslow believed that humans are driven to understand and accept her as much as possible. His theory is very famous Hierarchy of Needs theory or Hierarchy of Needs. Family life and life experiences influence psychological notion of the idea. After World War II, Maslow began to question how psychologists psychologist earlier about the human mind. Although not entirely deny, but he had his own ideas to understand the way humans think.
Humanist psychologists believe that every person has a strong desire to realize the potential of the potential in him, to achieve the level of self-actualization. To prove that humans are not just react to the situation around him, but to achieve something greater, Maslow studied a person with a healthy mental state, rather than studying a person with mental health problems. This illustrates that the new man can experience "peak experiences" when the man in harmony with himself and his surroundings. In Maslow's view, human beings actualize himself, may have many peaks of human experience that is less than actualize himself.
Humanist psychologists believe that every person has a strong desire to realize the potential of the potential in him, to achieve the level of self-actualization. To prove that humans are not just react to the situation around him, but to achieve something greater, Maslow studied a person with a healthy mental state, rather than studying a person with mental health problems. This illustrates that the new man can experience "peak experiences" when the man in harmony with himself and his surroundings. In Maslow's view, human beings actualize himself, may have many peaks of human experience that is less than actualize himself.

a.Physicologycal needs (hunger, thirst , and so on)
b.Safety needs (feel safe and protected , away from danger)
c.Belongingness and love needs (affiliated with others, be accepted, have)
d.Esteem needs (achievement, competence, and gain support and recognition)
e.Self-actualization needs (cognitive needs: to know, understand, and explore; aesthetic needs: harmony, order, and beauty; need for self-actualization: self gratification and realize their potential)
When food and security are difficult to obtain, the fulfillment of these needs will dominate one's actions and motives higher will be less significant. People will only have the time and energy to pursue the aesthetic and intellectual interests, if their basic needs are to be met with ease. Works of art and scientific work will not flourish in a society whose members are still working very hard to find food, shelter, and security. So a little explanation of Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation.
Abraham H. Maslow., 1986. Farther Reaches of Human Nature. New York: Orbis Book.
Sarlito W. Sarwono., 2002. Berkenalan dengan Aliran-aliran dan Tokoh-tokoh Psikologi. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang
Abraham H. Maslow., 1986. Farther Reaches of Human Nature. New York: Orbis Book.
Sarlito W. Sarwono., 2002. Berkenalan dengan Aliran-aliran dan Tokoh-tokoh Psikologi. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang
Sobur, Alex, Drs. M.Sc. (2003). Psikologi Umum. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.
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