Sabtu, 30 November 2013

I Do not Remember That I Intend To forget you

Not easy to forget what is most important for us to forget about including others . Where at first the figure of the person is a person that is important for our lives , when we are hard - happy , wherever - whenever , sick or healthy person's shadow always comes to mind . This indicates that the person is the person most in desire in our lives . None of the vices that appear on that person , when the person who we deem as important for us .
Although in the end people are considered important in our lives do not conform to what we want ( rejection ) . But is not that easy to forget that person in our mind . the more we try to forget the person we are increasingly difficult to forget . Here is one of the functions of our brain working system .
Vice versa when we hate someone that's when we definitely do not want to remember that person - even his face was all . But the more we try to forget about it the more you will want to remember that person .
Have you ever felt anything like it . ? I think any normal human being living in this world is never not feel it. Therefore I will try to explain a little bit about forgetfulness and Given .
Each stimulus or information that we can always get into our sensory system . where the function of the sensory system itself to encode and enter the information into memory . Here information or stimulus that we can only survive while , if we do not immediately save it into memory and shor - teem no immediate repetition of the stimulus or information that we may be missing . After we save into STM and we have done the repetition of information that we can then be stored in long - term memory . LTM function itself is to recall or use the information that we can .
While we often remember or repeat a picture of the person who we think are important or we hate where the times when we have been doing the repetitions which serve to recall a picture of that person in our lives . That is why when we want to remove the picture in our memory just the opposite can not be lost in our thoughts . as well as on the contrary the more we hate it more difficult for us to forget . That's why when we want it to be forgotten even the more we thought about it .
It's hard to forget not mean it can not be forgotten . Here are a few tips or ways to forget what we want to forget .
1 . Do not remember the things you want to forget .
2 . Fill with new memories about new things .
3 . Do not talk about what you want to forget the others.
4 . Repression is the act of pushing the thoughts , memories , feelings that threaten out of consciousness .
Source: Solso , Robert L. et al . ( 2007) . Cognitive Psychology . Erland . Jakarta .

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