Social Cognition: Thinking About The Social World
Social cognition is the way in which we interpret, analyze, remember, and use information about the social world. Social cognition can occur automatically. Contonya, when we see someone of a particular race (China, for example), we often automatically assume that person is directly has specific properties/crri. Our cognitive capacity is also limited. In addition, there is a relationship between cognition and affection (how we think and how we feel).
A. Scheme
The basic components of social cognition is the schema (the schema). The scheme is a mental sruktur that help us organize social, information and guide pemrosesannya. The scheme revolved around a particular theme or subject. in our brains, the scheme was such a scenario, which has a Groove. Schemes in our brain terbenuk based on the experience that we have ever experienced or recounted by others. For example, our scheme of McD made us know how to eat at McD so that once we come to the McD us straight to the checkout to order food. The scheme we have will affect our attitude on things.
The scheme gives rise to strong effect against three basic processes: attention or attention (attention), encoding (encoding), and recall (retrieval). The scheme proved to be influential on all aspects of basic social cognition (Wyer & Srull, 1994). In conjunction with the attention, the scheme often acts as a filter: information that is consistent with the scheme is more aware and more likely to get into our consciousness. Information that does not fit with the scheme we are often overlooked (Fiske, 1993), except for the iinformasi it was very extreme. Encoding — what information is put in memory — the information that becomes the focus of attention is more likely to disimoan in long-term memory. Recall information (retrieval) — what information is most readily untuuk in mind — in General, people report information that is consistent with their scheme, but in reality, the information is not consistent with the scheme can also be strongly appear in memory.
The scheme also has a weakness (in terms of the negative). The scheme affects what we see, what goes in our minds, and what we remember, so distortion at our understanding of the social world. Scheme plays an important role in the formation of prejudice, one basic component in the formation of the stereotypes about particular social groups. The scheme is often difficult modified — the scheme have the effect persisting (perseverance effect), unchanged nahkan when faced with contradictory information. Sometimes it can give effect skjema fulfillment of expectations of themselves (self-fulfilling) the scheme make the world social we experience to be consistent with the plan that we have. Examples of the effects persist, when we fail we comforted ourselves by saying, "you are fabulous because kok, an unfair game", etc. examples of forecasts that embody himself (self-fulfilling prophecy) which makes the forecast forecast — itself actually takes place, the scheme teachers for minority students who lead teacher treats minority students it differently (less positive) thus causing the decline of minority student achievement. Not only has the influence of stereotypes — nsmun can pemaastian effect through her, stereotypes also form a social reality.
B. Heuristic
A surfeit of information (information overloaded) is a State in which the processing of the information we have is beyond the capacity of any real ability to demand a larger cognitive system than can be processed. A variety of strategies to expand cognitive capacity must meet two requirements, namely: should provide a quick and simple to be able to cultivate social information in great numbers, and should be used — to be successful. However, the most useful is a Heuristic that simple rules for complex decision making or to draw conclusions quickly and seemingly without effort. There are 2 kinds:
1. heuristic the representativeness Heuristic (representativeness heuristic) is a strategy for making judgments based on the extent to which stimuli or events that have similarities to the stimuli or other categories. Example: we know as a regular private Ratna, lramah, neat, have a library at his home and a little shy. But we don't know her work. Perhaps we judge it directly as a librarian. In other words, we judge based on: the more similar to someone with traits typical of people from a group, the more likely he or she is part of the group.
2. Heuristic availability (availability heuristic) is a strategy for making decisions based on how easy a specific information can be presented in our minds. This Heuristic may lead us to overstate the possibility of the emergence of the dramatic events, but rarely, because it is easy to get into our minds. Example: many people feel more afraid than died in the plane crash accident in the army. This is due to the fact that the plane crash was far more dramatic and suck up a lot more media attention. As a result, the plane crash occurred more easily so that the effect is stronger in his assessment of the individual. This Heuristic is associated with early exposure to process (priming) — the increasing availability of information as a result of the frequent presence of stimuli or special events. Early exposure can arise even when the individual is not aware of the existence of the stimulus that has been presented previously — also known as early exposure automatically.
The other way is by automatic processing (automatic processing) occurs when, after having experienced perform a task or process a particular onformasi seemingly without the need for a large enterprise, automatically and unconscious. For example: when first learning the bike, we need special attention in driving it. Along with the development of the expertise of cycling, we can perform other tasks such as talking while cycling. Once activated, the scheme may give rise to the automatic behavior effects.
C. The Sources That Could Potentially Cause Errors In Social Cognition
1. Bias the negativity, that trend is giving more attention to negative information. Compared to positive information, one information negative will have a stronger influence. Example: we are told that the lecturer will teach later is the one who is young, clever, friendly, kind, beautiful, but allegedly involved sex scandals. Negative Bias causes us instead fixated on the negative and ignore the positive things.
2. the optimistic Bias, a predisposition to expect that everything can end up good. Most people believe that they have a greater chance than others to experience negative events and smaller possibility to experience negative events. Example: the Government often announces the plan too optimistic regarding the completion of large projects — roads, airports, etc. This reflects the planning errors. However, when individuals are expected to receive feedback or information which might have a negative and have important consequences, it seems he's been preparing to deal with a bad thing (brancing of loss) and showed the opposite pattern of optimistic: they become pessimistic.
3. losses that might occur as a result of too much thinking. Sometimes too much thinking can drag us into trouble of a serious kognoitif. Try a systematic and rational thinking about the important things is important.
4. konterfaktual of thought, i.e. thinking of something of the opposite of the current situation. The effect of the thought of "what would happen if ...". Example: when the survivors of a plane crash, Andi thus think, "what if I don't immediately plunge, I would have been dead, and how the fate of my family my Kelantan?", etc. konterfaktual can be thought of as a strong influence on our affection. Inaction inertia — torpor apathy — arises when individuals decide not to do something so that it missed the chance to get positive results.
5. magical thinking, that is thought to involve an assumption that is not based on rational reasons. Example: order exam lulu, Raju pray a lot and wear many rings.
6. press the mind, namely an attempt to prevent certain thoughts entering the realms of consciousness. This process involves 2 components, namely: automated monitoring process which is looking for signs of any unwanted thoughts that forces thus appeared kea lam consciousness. When the mind is detected, a second process to occur, i.e. the mind prevent remain outside awareness without disturbing the minds of others. Example: the anti diet program is pressing his mind will be sweet foods.
D. Cognition and Affection
Our feelings and moods have a strong pengaruuh against some aspects of cognition, cognition and also plays strongly on our feelings and moods. Current mood can strongly affect our reaction to the stimulation that first time we meet. Example: when kiota rejoices and get acquainted with new people, our assessment of the person is certainly better than when we became acquainted with him when we are grieving. The influence of aphek is another influence on memory. Memories that are dependent on mood (mood-dependent memory) which is what we remember as being in a particular mood, largely determined by what we learned earlier when we were in the mood. The influence of these two known effects of conformity mood (mood-congruence effects), namely the tendency to save or remember the positive information when it is in a positive mood and negattif when the information is in a negative mood. Current mood also influence on the other i.e. cognition components of creativity. Emotional information (emotional contamination) is a process where judgment, emotion or our behavior is influenced by the unconscious mental processing and uncontrolled (Wilson & Brekke, 1994).
Cognition can also affect the affection which is explained by the theory of emotional two-factor (two-factor theory of emotion) (Schachter, 1964) that menjelakan that we often don't know the feeling of our own attitude of the atu. So, in conclusion of our environment — from a situation where we are experiencing a reaction – internal reaksio. For example: when we experience a certain feeling of the presence of someone who is attractive, we conclude that we are in love. In addition, cognition can influence emotions through the activities of the scheme in which there is a strong affective components. Scheme or stereotypes that are activated with the powerful can be very influential on our feelings or moods of the moment. In addition, the isa's thoughts affect our efforts to engage the affection in regulating our emotions.
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