Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013



What does make interest man’s attention? “ One thing only interests all human being always, and that is the human being himself “.  John Siddal saying. So, only one that interests human being, that is human being himself.

If in this information era as this time, all of journalism say that “ journalism touches life at all point,”. So, all of psycholog also say as the journalism saying. As Rita L. Arkinson and her friends say that psychology has touché life at all points. For the exemple : How the parents take care their children?, How the psychotherapy treatment someone?.

 Then, why do the people learn the human being’s behavior? Who needs psychology knowledge?. Attention and interest’s someone to learn behavior just be moved by stimulus for want to know. In this article, I want to explain about the benefits of learning psychology, such as:
·         1. First and foremost, learning psychology gives better understanding of one’s true self.
·         2. Secondly, understanding of other people increases when we learn psychology.

So, by learning psychology, it’s mean there is effort to know the human being. Knowing is can understanding, it’s mean also we can describe behavior and personality of human being. By studying psychology, we try to know personality traits.

By: Farichatun Ni'mah     (12410128)

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