attachment is a strong emotional both two people . quite a lot of theories about infant attachment . There are some experts who explain this theory that Ericson and Bowlby . They put forward the views of the influential theoretical field.
Physical comfort also plays an important role in view of Erik Erikson (1968 ) regarding the development of the baby . According to Ericson , the first year of life is the emergence of trust versus mistrust stage . Physical comfort and sensitive care is essential to achieve a basic belief in infants . Confidence in infancy are the foundation of attachment ( Santrock : 2011) .
perspective of the British psychiatrist John Bowlby , also stressed the
importance of attachment in the first year of life and responsiveness
of caregivers . Bowlby
believes that the baby and mother instinctively form a
kelekatan.kelekatan not appear suddenly but evolved through a series of
stages , beginning with a general preference for human babies up
together with the primary caregiver . Here are the four stages , which are based on the concept of attachment by Bowlby ( Schaffer in Santrock , 2011) :
stage 1 : from birth to age 2 months .Baby
instinctively build stickiness with foreign manusia.orang , siblings ,
and parents have the same opportunity to raise a smile or cry .
Stage 2 : from 2 to 7 months of age .Attachment to focuses on the main nanny.
Stage 3 : from ages 7 to 24 months .Developed a special attachment . When the increased locomotor skills , the baby is actively trying to establish regular contact with primary caregivers .
Stage 4 : from the age of 24 months onwards .Children
become more aware of feelings , goals , and plans of others, and begin
to consider these matters in determining his own actions .
Attachment have big influence on the growth of the child, a child who has attachment with his family especially his mother would have a good social concepts to the environment instead of juvenile delinquency can be generated at this time because a child has no attachment to his family. So attachment is very important because this attachment aims to provide support for a child, and also provide a shelter when he has a problem.
John W.santrock. 2002. life span development. Jakarta. Airlangga
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