Senin, 16 September 2013

Interchangeability of puberty

          Puberty is a period in which the framework and sexual maturity occurs rapidly , especially in early adolescence . Pubertal change is a change that was first perceived by adolescents where such changes do not occur directly but through a process that occurs gradually . We can tell when a young man started puberty , but knowing when the end of puberty a young child is not possible . Because there are no signs that help to determine when the berkhirnya puberty . Unlike the early days of pubertass that can be known through the growth of a mustache and started growing in volume produced by a man , and if women started widening hips all these characteristics caused by the flood of hormones that circulate through the body by the bloodstream .
          There are certain hormones that increase dramatically in adolescence . Testosterone is a hormone associated with genital development , high growth and voice changes in boys . Estradiol is a hormone related to the physical development of girls such as the uterus , breast , and frameworks . It is known that during puberty , testosterone levels were found in boys increases to eight times but different from the child who etrjadi perumpuan where testosterone is only increased by two -fold only. While the hormone estradiol increased up to eight-fold in girls and only two -fold in boys .
           Hormonal changes and changes in the body occur 2 years earlier in girls or around the age of 10 years while in the boys 12 years old . There are four changes in the body's most prominent in women is a rapid increase in height , menarche , breast growth and pubic hair 's growth . There are also four of the most prominent changes in boys is rapidly increasing height , genital growth , testicular growth , and the growth of pubic hair .
           Every child has the distinction of changes of puberty . Where there is a child who quickly once puberty compared with children his age and there is also a very slow child mengangalami appeal puberty in children in general . That does not mean we should banga because children experience puberty earlier or we have to grieve for the child puberty is delayed .
           At this time the role of adults is also very important for a child to try new things he had never done , and this is where the role of adult help or guide so that they do not try things that are beyond the limits of values ​​and norms .


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