Senin, 23 September 2013


Man was created and equipped with the intelligence that has the exceptional ability. This intelligence as an ability that distingues humans from other creatures on earth, with the intelligence of humans can also lead a dynamic life and civilized. Where as  Intelligence derived from the English language "Intelligence" is also derived from the Latin langage "intellectus and Intelligentia or Intellegere" which means linking or uniting with one another.
According to Alfred Binet (1857-1911) & Theodore Simon, intelligence consists of three components, namely the ability to direct one's thoughts or actions, the ability to change the course of action when that action has been implemented, and the ability for self-criticism (autocriticism). Intelligence is influenced by two factors, that is the factors of heredity genes passed down from parent to child. And environmental factors, this factor is obtained through a process of education that intentionally organized in order to improve the intelligence of an individual in every respect.

I think the meaning of intelligence is the ability or the potential of the individual in order to adjust to the new environment or situation by using a conceptual framework to think it has. Which intelligence between one individual with another individual differently 

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