Smart kid like Einstein ; Application in child psychology
Until now , it's hard to decipher what is meant by intelligence because termnya so complex . Intelligence
is not limited to only the measured intelligence of school children's
ability to learn to read , count , or drawing . More than that . Intelligence
is the ability to think on a higher level , which includes ; concept
formation , problem solving , creativity , memory , perception , and
much more .
are a number of cognitive abilities or intelligence describes the
ability to think that child psychology , among others : the ability to
classify patterns , the ability to modify behavior to be more adaptive ,
ability to perform deductive reasoning , inductive reasoning ability to
perform , the ability to develop concepts , and the ability to
understand or see the link at the amount of information . All this is very useful to build a better child psychology appropriate growth and development .
the development of child psychology , one capability that is widely
recognized by the parents is the ability to think in mathematical
reasoning , as it is owned by Albert Einstein . Intelligence of child psychology in this area is believed to represent the intelligence of child psychology in other areas . Develop
intelligence in the child psychology do berpkir logical abilities will
improve child psychology in general intelligence , although parents can
actually develop logical thinking skills that no other children , such
as logical thinking in analyzing problems in a story , in a picture or
beams , in a movement dance or gymnastics , in a rhythm tracks , and much more .
Intelligence of child psychology is more advanced thinking skills . In
order to improve the intelligence of child psychology , my father also
needs to also learn to understand the stages of child development and
the psychology of thinking skills at each stage of the child's age .
Status Child Cognitive Development , Role of Fathers in Development , and its influence on child psychology .
Jean Piaget formulated on the stage of development of cognitive abilities in children . According
to him , the ability to think on children changed for each stage of
growth and development and has a particular emphasis on capabilities .
Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013
study about,,,,,
There are many benefits of learning the science of psychology . This article is about the benefits of studying psychology that can be applied in everyday life .
Complex human behavior can be interesting and useful to study the reasons that motivate certain behaviors . Studying psychology will give you a better understanding of the people and you will be able to use this knowledge in situations in everyday life .
In the law , it also makes the science of psychology is closely connected with the science of criminology . Moreover , pursuing a psychology degree provides a lucrative job opportunities . Here are the benefits of learning the science of psychology :
1 . self-understandingWho is not interested in understanding themselves better ? There is no better way to understand ourselves than through knowledge of psychology . All behavior can be understood through an understanding of psychology . Moreover, it can help you to effectively deal with negative emotions .
2 . empathyMost of the problems that arise between people because they fail to understand one another . They could not understand the other person's perspective . Psychology helps you to understand why people think that way. As a result , you can empathize with other people . You may not agree with them , but when you look at the reasons behind their beliefs , you will be able to understand them better .
3 . adaptationWith the increased ability to empathize with others , you will be able to adapt better in every social group , be it in schools , workplaces , or other community groups , where there are different kinds of personality traits . Studying psychology will help you in understanding the characteristics of the individual . Knowledge of psychology will help in building cooperation within the group .
4 . communication skillsPsychology to explain how people can communicate . By understanding this, you can use the method that will assist in improving communication skills and make it more persuasive and effective . Understanding human communication will also make it easier for you to avoid making mistakes that led to a miss communication . In addition , in certain professions such as in sales , human resources , media , etc. motivator , communication is key , knowledge of psychology can prove very beneficial .
5 . troubleshootingPsychological knowledge will also help you in solving everyday problems more effectively . If you have an understanding of how people tend to react in certain situations , you may encounter a situation in a better way . In addition , an understanding of your own thoughts and psychology will allow you to fix the problem, without losing patience .
6 . Better understandingPsychology enables you to understand others better , seeing them in a broader perspective . This will help you to understand one's irrational emotions . As a result of this , you will also be in a position to help them with their emotional turmoil . You do not have to be a professional counselor to help people with their problems , you can use your knowledge to guide friends and family .
7 . career opportunitiesThere are many opportunities for those who pursue a psychology degree . Careers in psychology may include - sports psychologists , educational psychologists , forensic psychologists , comparative psychologists , etc. . If you attract the business world , there is also a great demand for industrial psychologists . In addition , there is a great demand for psychology students in any field , since they can apply their skills in a variety of situasi.Terdapat many benefits of learning the science of psychology . This article is about the benefits of studying psychology that can be applied in everyday life .
Complex human behavior can be interesting and useful to study the reasons that motivate certain behaviors . Studying psychology will give you a better understanding of the people and you will be able to use this knowledge in situations in everyday life .
In the law , it also makes the science of psychology is closely connected with the science of criminology . Moreover , pursuing a psychology degree provides a lucrative job opportunities . Here are the benefits of learning the science of psychology :
1 . self-understandingWho is not interested in understanding themselves better ? There is no better way to understand ourselves than through knowledge of psychology . All behavior can be understood through an understanding of psychology . Moreover, it can help you to effectively deal with negative emotions .
2 . empathyMost of the problems that arise between people because they fail to understand one another . They could not understand the other person's perspective . Psychology helps you to understand why people think that way. As a result , you can empathize with other people . You may not agree with them , but when you look at the reasons behind their beliefs , you will be able to understand them better .
3 . adaptationWith the increased ability to empathize with others , you will be able to adapt better in every social group , be it in schools , workplaces , or other community groups , where there are different kinds of personality traits . Studying psychology will help you in understanding the characteristics of the individual . Knowledge of psychology will help in building cooperation within the group .
4 . communication skillsPsychology to explain how people can communicate . By understanding this, you can use the method that will assist in improving communication skills and make it more persuasive and effective . Understanding human communication will also make it easier for you to avoid making mistakes that led to a miss communication . In addition , in certain professions such as in sales , human resources , media , etc. motivator , communication is key , knowledge of psychology can prove very beneficial .
5 . troubleshootingPsychological knowledge will also help you in solving everyday problems more effectively . If you have an understanding of how people tend to react in certain situations , you may encounter a situation in a better way . In addition , an understanding of your own thoughts and psychology will allow you to fix the problem, without losing patience .
6 . Better understandingPsychology enables you to understand others better , seeing them in a broader perspective . This will help you to understand one's irrational emotions . As a result of this , you will also be in a position to help them with their emotional turmoil . You do not have to be a professional counselor to help people with their problems , you can use your knowledge to guide friends and family .
7 . career opportunitiesThere are many opportunities for those who pursue a psychology degree . Careers in psychology may include - sports psychologists , educational psychologists , forensic psychologists , comparative psychologists , etc. . If you attract the business world , there is also a great demand for industrial psychologists . In addition , there is a great demand for psychology students in any field , since they can apply their skills in a variety of situations .
Complex human behavior can be interesting and useful to study the reasons that motivate certain behaviors . Studying psychology will give you a better understanding of the people and you will be able to use this knowledge in situations in everyday life .
In the law , it also makes the science of psychology is closely connected with the science of criminology . Moreover , pursuing a psychology degree provides a lucrative job opportunities . Here are the benefits of learning the science of psychology :
1 . self-understandingWho is not interested in understanding themselves better ? There is no better way to understand ourselves than through knowledge of psychology . All behavior can be understood through an understanding of psychology . Moreover, it can help you to effectively deal with negative emotions .
2 . empathyMost of the problems that arise between people because they fail to understand one another . They could not understand the other person's perspective . Psychology helps you to understand why people think that way. As a result , you can empathize with other people . You may not agree with them , but when you look at the reasons behind their beliefs , you will be able to understand them better .
3 . adaptationWith the increased ability to empathize with others , you will be able to adapt better in every social group , be it in schools , workplaces , or other community groups , where there are different kinds of personality traits . Studying psychology will help you in understanding the characteristics of the individual . Knowledge of psychology will help in building cooperation within the group .
4 . communication skillsPsychology to explain how people can communicate . By understanding this, you can use the method that will assist in improving communication skills and make it more persuasive and effective . Understanding human communication will also make it easier for you to avoid making mistakes that led to a miss communication . In addition , in certain professions such as in sales , human resources , media , etc. motivator , communication is key , knowledge of psychology can prove very beneficial .
5 . troubleshootingPsychological knowledge will also help you in solving everyday problems more effectively . If you have an understanding of how people tend to react in certain situations , you may encounter a situation in a better way . In addition , an understanding of your own thoughts and psychology will allow you to fix the problem, without losing patience .
6 . Better understandingPsychology enables you to understand others better , seeing them in a broader perspective . This will help you to understand one's irrational emotions . As a result of this , you will also be in a position to help them with their emotional turmoil . You do not have to be a professional counselor to help people with their problems , you can use your knowledge to guide friends and family .
7 . career opportunitiesThere are many opportunities for those who pursue a psychology degree . Careers in psychology may include - sports psychologists , educational psychologists , forensic psychologists , comparative psychologists , etc. . If you attract the business world , there is also a great demand for industrial psychologists . In addition , there is a great demand for psychology students in any field , since they can apply their skills in a variety of situasi.Terdapat many benefits of learning the science of psychology . This article is about the benefits of studying psychology that can be applied in everyday life .
Complex human behavior can be interesting and useful to study the reasons that motivate certain behaviors . Studying psychology will give you a better understanding of the people and you will be able to use this knowledge in situations in everyday life .
In the law , it also makes the science of psychology is closely connected with the science of criminology . Moreover , pursuing a psychology degree provides a lucrative job opportunities . Here are the benefits of learning the science of psychology :
1 . self-understandingWho is not interested in understanding themselves better ? There is no better way to understand ourselves than through knowledge of psychology . All behavior can be understood through an understanding of psychology . Moreover, it can help you to effectively deal with negative emotions .
2 . empathyMost of the problems that arise between people because they fail to understand one another . They could not understand the other person's perspective . Psychology helps you to understand why people think that way. As a result , you can empathize with other people . You may not agree with them , but when you look at the reasons behind their beliefs , you will be able to understand them better .
3 . adaptationWith the increased ability to empathize with others , you will be able to adapt better in every social group , be it in schools , workplaces , or other community groups , where there are different kinds of personality traits . Studying psychology will help you in understanding the characteristics of the individual . Knowledge of psychology will help in building cooperation within the group .
4 . communication skillsPsychology to explain how people can communicate . By understanding this, you can use the method that will assist in improving communication skills and make it more persuasive and effective . Understanding human communication will also make it easier for you to avoid making mistakes that led to a miss communication . In addition , in certain professions such as in sales , human resources , media , etc. motivator , communication is key , knowledge of psychology can prove very beneficial .
5 . troubleshootingPsychological knowledge will also help you in solving everyday problems more effectively . If you have an understanding of how people tend to react in certain situations , you may encounter a situation in a better way . In addition , an understanding of your own thoughts and psychology will allow you to fix the problem, without losing patience .
6 . Better understandingPsychology enables you to understand others better , seeing them in a broader perspective . This will help you to understand one's irrational emotions . As a result of this , you will also be in a position to help them with their emotional turmoil . You do not have to be a professional counselor to help people with their problems , you can use your knowledge to guide friends and family .
7 . career opportunitiesThere are many opportunities for those who pursue a psychology degree . Careers in psychology may include - sports psychologists , educational psychologists , forensic psychologists , comparative psychologists , etc. . If you attract the business world , there is also a great demand for industrial psychologists . In addition , there is a great demand for psychology students in any field , since they can apply their skills in a variety of situations .
learning English since toddler
We can see in today , parents vying teaching English in toddler . There's even a toddler Indonesia is fluent in English but could not speak Indonesian . Well does it ?
According to Dr . David Freeman , Professor of Curriculum and Instruction , and Dr. . Yvonne Freeman , Professor of Bilingual Education of the United States , it is important to start teaching foreign languages as early as possible . Toddler in a golden age , is able to absorb a variety of things , including language skills . Do not be afraid your toddler will be dizzy with two languages taught at home .
However , in addition to teaching English , do not forget to teach toddlers Indonesian language properly and correctly . Indonesian is the mother tongue or the first language of the child .
There are several reasons why it is important Indonesian :
Children hone nationalism .
The concept of children's academic thinking and stronger if early education in Indonesian .
Important for the development of children's academic future.
The ability of foreign -language children would be more effective if he could speak Indonesian well .
In the application of bilingual / bilingual at home , you can use a variety of exciting activities , so that toddlers do not feel stressed because ' should be ' . For example , you could ask her to sing songs in Indonesian and English interchangeably . Or you could play with children using Indonesian and at times also use English .
If your toddler in practice to mix the language that he uses , it's really fair , Mother . In this age , children learn to speak and still has not been a lot of vocabulary .
Angela Wika C.K – Redaksi
According to Dr . David Freeman , Professor of Curriculum and Instruction , and Dr. . Yvonne Freeman , Professor of Bilingual Education of the United States , it is important to start teaching foreign languages as early as possible . Toddler in a golden age , is able to absorb a variety of things , including language skills . Do not be afraid your toddler will be dizzy with two languages taught at home .
However , in addition to teaching English , do not forget to teach toddlers Indonesian language properly and correctly . Indonesian is the mother tongue or the first language of the child .
There are several reasons why it is important Indonesian :
Children hone nationalism .
The concept of children's academic thinking and stronger if early education in Indonesian .
Important for the development of children's academic future.
The ability of foreign -language children would be more effective if he could speak Indonesian well .
In the application of bilingual / bilingual at home , you can use a variety of exciting activities , so that toddlers do not feel stressed because ' should be ' . For example , you could ask her to sing songs in Indonesian and English interchangeably . Or you could play with children using Indonesian and at times also use English .
If your toddler in practice to mix the language that he uses , it's really fair , Mother . In this age , children learn to speak and still has not been a lot of vocabulary .
Angela Wika C.K – Redaksi
Senin, 28 Oktober 2013
The facts about being a shopaholic
Oniomania can often occur in conjunction with bipolar disorder
and other depressive conditions, and Sederer explains compulsive
behaviors in general, provide temporary relief from a variety of
difficult feelings, including low mood, low self-regard, intense
anxiety, and tensions in personal relationships.
But whatever relief it provides is very transient and typically followed by a resurgence of the feelings the behavior meant to overcome, with the added difficulties of any financial problems the excessive shopping may create.
A common scenario in which someone exhibits symptoms of or tendency
to being a shopaholic is when a relationship ends; for example, the
woman who goes out and buys an excessive amount of clothing after her
boyfriend leaves her. Like Sederer indicates, the purchases are meant to
temporarily relieve the pain of relationship loss.
For some experts, a person might become a shopaholic because they become the ‘center of attention’ in a store, where they are tended to continuously.
Even still, there is another factor which may contribute to oniomania—the presence of another behavioral disorder. Individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), for example, are more likely than others to become shopaholics because impulsivity is a part of living with ADHD. This characteristic makes it difficult for these individuals to think of the consequences of over-spending at the time of purchase. Health Central explains individuals with ADHD can also suffer from anxiety and depression, which bring oniomania back to the category of other addictions and compulsions, which are performed to alleviate stress.
Unfortunately, shopaholics often experience guilt after they get home with their purchases. This can lead to more compulsive shopping, making the process cyclical.
“It is a vicious circle,” said Yugrina. “At first people go to a store and spend a lot of money there but then they suffer from the sense of guilt and go to a store to get rid of this feeling again. If a person wants to put an end to this permanent shopping, they are supposed to approach the issue as a problem and ask for psychological help.”
But whatever relief it provides is very transient and typically followed by a resurgence of the feelings the behavior meant to overcome, with the added difficulties of any financial problems the excessive shopping may create.
For some experts, a person might become a shopaholic because they become the ‘center of attention’ in a store, where they are tended to continuously.
“Shopping addiction resembles drug, gambling or alcoholic addiction,” psychologist Nadezhda Yugrina told PRAVDA.Ru. “One should look for its reasons in the childhood of every particular individual. As a rule, such people suffered from the shortage of human care and tenderness when children. A person can grow in a normal family and receive good education, but experience a strong need in love. When such people grow up, they can find attention in various stores.”
Not all compulsive shopping associated with a shopaholic is related
to childhood issues or a need to alleviate negative feelings, however.
WebMD indicates some individuals may be genetically predisposed to
addictive behaviors, which create a “feel good” chemical response in the
brain. These addictive behaviors can express in different ways — drugs
and alcohol, sex, food and shopping.
“Individuals will get some kind of high from an addictive behavior like shopping,” said to WebMD,
Ruth Engs, EdD, a professor of applied health science at Indiana
University. “Meaning that endorphins and dopamine, naturally occurring
opiate receptor sites in the brain, get switched on, and the person
feels good, and if it feels good they are more likely to do it — it’s
reinforced.”Even still, there is another factor which may contribute to oniomania—the presence of another behavioral disorder. Individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), for example, are more likely than others to become shopaholics because impulsivity is a part of living with ADHD. This characteristic makes it difficult for these individuals to think of the consequences of over-spending at the time of purchase. Health Central explains individuals with ADHD can also suffer from anxiety and depression, which bring oniomania back to the category of other addictions and compulsions, which are performed to alleviate stress.
Unfortunately, shopaholics often experience guilt after they get home with their purchases. This can lead to more compulsive shopping, making the process cyclical.
“It is a vicious circle,” said Yugrina. “At first people go to a store and spend a lot of money there but then they suffer from the sense of guilt and go to a store to get rid of this feeling again. If a person wants to put an end to this permanent shopping, they are supposed to approach the issue as a problem and ask for psychological help.”
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013
Social Psychology
Social psychology is the scientific
study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the
actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.
The terms thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors include all of the psychological variables that are measurable in a
human being.
The reference to imagined or implied
others suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people
are present, such as when watching television, or following internalized
cultural norms.
The study of attitudes is a core
topic in social psychology.
Attitudes are involved in virtually
every other area of the discipline, including conformity, interpersonal
attraction, social perception, and prejudice. Social psychologists typically
explain human behavior as a result of the interaction of mental states and
immediate, social situations.
In general, social psychologists
have a preference for laboratory based, empirical findings.
Their theories tend to be specific
and focused, rather than global and general.
study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the
actual, imagined, or implied presence of others.
The terms thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors include all of the psychological variables that are measurable in a
human being.
The reference to imagined or implied
others suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people
are present, such as when watching television, or following internalized
cultural norms.
The study of attitudes is a core
topic in social psychology.
Attitudes are involved in virtually
every other area of the discipline, including conformity, interpersonal
attraction, social perception, and prejudice. Social psychologists typically
explain human behavior as a result of the interaction of mental states and
immediate, social situations.
In general, social psychologists
have a preference for laboratory based, empirical findings.
Their theories tend to be specific
and focused, rather than global and general.
Schizophrenia is
a psychiatric disorder and medical conditions that affect the functioning of
the human brain , affecting the normal functioning of the cognitive , emotional
and behavioral . He is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder with psychotic
features of affective loss of feeling or emotional response and withdrew from
normal interpersonal relationships . Often followed by delusions ( false
beliefs ) and hallucinations ( perception without sensory stimuli ) .
Type of
schizophrenia in which sufferers experience delusions about shadows and control
of others and also delusion that makes people believe that he is a figure of
the ( God , Angels , Prophets, etc. ) .
Type of
schizophrenia that are characterized primarily by the disruption and disorder
in the mind . A person suffering from schizophrenia often show signs of emotion
and expression that are not appropriate to the situation . Hallucinations and
delusions are symptoms frequently experienced symptoms for people who mederita
this type of schizophrenia .
Type of
schizophrenia is characterized by motor disorders , including extreme
excitement and fainting . people who suffer from this form of schizophrenia
would show negative symptoms : catatonic posture and flexibility as wax that can
be maintained in the long down time ( negtivisme ) .
Type of
schizophrenia in which patients with the disease have delusions ,
hallucinations and disorganized behavior but does not meet the criteria for
paranoid schizophrenia , disorganized , or catatonic .
Will rest in the
diagnosis of schizophrenia when epsiode of at least one of the four other types
of schizophrenia that has occurred . But schizophrenia does not have a
prominent positive symptoms .
influences There are several theories about the cause Skizorenia neurogiologis
influence . One is an imbalance in dopamine , which is one of the chemicals in
the brain cells .
On patients ,
found decreased levels of transtiretin or pre - albumin which is the bearer of
the hormone thyroxine , which causes problems in the cerebrospinal zalir .
Schizophrenia can
be about anyone . Data from the American Psychiatric Association ( APA ) in
1995 mentions 1 % of world population suffers from schizophrenia .
75 % of patients
with schizophrenia begin to have it at the age of 16-25 years . [ 8 ] Age is
youth and young adults at high risk for this life stage full of stressors .
Condition of the patient is often too late realized the family and the
environment because it is considered as part of the adjustment phase .
Introduction and
early intervention in the form of medication and psychosocial very important
because the longer he is not treated , the possibility of more frequent
recurrence and resistance to therapy efforts stronger. A person experiencing
schizophrenia symptoms should be immediately taken to a psychiatrist and
psychologist .
Indicator of
premorbid ( pre - hospital ) pre - schizophrenia , among others
someone expressing emotion : a cold face , rarely smiling , indifferent ( flat
affect )
communication : patient focused talks tough , sometimes distorted ( tanjential
) or spinning ( sirkumstantial ) .
attention : the patient is not able to focus , sustain , or move attention (
attention ) .
behavior : a shy, introverted , socially withdrawn , could not enjoy the taste
of fun , challenging for no apparent reason , disruptive and undisciplined .
The symptoms of
schizophrenia can generally be divided into two classes :
1 . Positive
hallucinations , delusions , disordered thinking ( cognitive ) . These symptoms
are called positive because it is a clear manifestation that can be observed by
others .
2 . Negative
Symptoms is
called negative because it is a loss of the typical or normal functioning
person . Including less or not able to show / express emotion on the face and
behavior , lack of urge to move , unable to enjoy the activities and the lack
of ability that endeared speech ( alogia ) .
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy...
is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the important
role of
thinking in how we feel and what we do.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy does not exist as a distinct
technique. The term "cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)"
is a very
general term for a classification of therapies with
similarities. There
are several
approaches to cognitive-behavioral therapy, including
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Rational Behavior
Therapy, Rational
Living Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, and Dialectic Behavior
However, most cognitive-behavioral therapies have the
1. CBT is based on the Cognitive Model of Emotional
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our
cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like
situations, and events.
The benefit of this fact is that we can change
the way we think to feel / act better even if the situation
does not
2. CBT is Briefer and Time-Limited.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered among the most
rapid in terms
of results
obtained. The average number of sessions
clients receive
(across all types of problems and approaches to CBT) is only
16. Other
forms of therapy,
like psychoanalysis, can take years.
What enables
CBT to be briefer is its highly instructive nature and the
fact that it
makes use of homework assignments. CBT is time-limited in that we help
clients understand at the very beginning of the therapy
process that
there will be a point when the formal therapy will end. The ending of
the formal therapy is a decision made by the therapist and
Therefore, CBT is not an open-ended, never-ending process.
3. A sound therapeutic relationship is necessary for effective
but not the focus.
Some forms of therapy assume that the main reason people get
better in
therapy is because of the positive relationship between the
and client.
Cognitive-behavioral therapists believe it is important to
have a good,
trusting relationship, but that is not enough. CBT
therapists believe that the clients change because they
learn how to
think differently and they act on that learning. Therefore, CBT
therapists focus on teaching rational self-counseling
4. CBT is a collaborative effort between the therapist and
the client.
therapists seek to learn what their clients want
out of life (their goals) and then help their clients
achieve those
goals. The
therapist's role is to listen, teach, and encourage, while
the client's roles is to express concerns, learn, and implement that
For excellent cognitive-behavioral therapy self-help and
books, audio presentations, and home-study training
programs, please
click here.
5. CBT is based on aspects of stoic philosophy.
Not all approaches to CBT emphasize stoicism. Rational Emotive Behavior
Therapy, Rational
Behavior Therapy, and Rational Living Therapy
emphasize aspects of stoicism. Beck's Cognitive Therapy is not based on
Cognitive-behavioral therapy does not tell people how they
should feel.
However, most people
seeking therapy do not want to feel they way they
have been feeling. The approaches that emphasize stoicism
teach the
benefits of
feeling, at worst, calm when confronted with undesirable
situations. They also emphasize the fact that we have our
situations whether we are upset about them or not. If we are upset
about our problems, we have two problems -- the problem, and our
upset about it. Most
people want to have the fewest number of problems
possible. So when we
learn how to more calmly accept a personal
problem, not only do we feel better, but we usually put ourselves in
a better position to
make use of our intelligence, knowledge, energy,
and resources to resolve the problem.
6. CBT uses the Socratic Method.
Cognitive-behavioral therapists want to gain a very good
of their clients' concerns.
That's why they often ask questions.
also encourage their clients to ask questions of themselves,
like, "How
do I really know that those people are laughing at
me?" "Could they be
laughing about something else?"
7. CBT is structured and directive.
Cognitive-behavioral therapists have a specific agenda for
each session.
Specific techniques /
concepts are taught during each session.
focuses on the client's goals. We do not tell our clients what their
goals "should" be, or what they "should"
tolerate. We are directive in
the sense that we show our clients how to think and behave
in ways to
obtain what they want. Therefore, CBT therapists do not tell
clients what to do -- rather, they teach their clients how
to do.
8. CBT is based on an educational model.
CBT is based on the scientifically supported assumption that
emotional and behavioral reactions are learned. Therefore, the goal of
therapy is to help clients unlearn their unwanted reactions
and to learn
a new way of
Therefore, CBT has nothing to do with "just
talking". People can "just
talk" with anyone.
The educational emphasis of CBT has an additional benefit --
it leads to
long term
results. When people understand how and
why they are doing
well, they know what to do to continue doing well.
9. CBT theory and techniques rely on the Inductive Method.
A central aspect of Rational thinking is that it is based on
Often, we upset ourselves about things when, in fact, the
isn't like we think it is.
If we knew that, we would not waste our time
upsetting ourselves.
Therefore, the inductive method encourages us to look at our
thoughts as
being hypotheses or
guesses that can be questioned and tested.
If we
find that our hypotheses are incorrect (because we have new
information), then we
can change our thinking to be in line with
how the situation really is.
10. Homework is a central feature of CBT.
If when you attempted to learn your multiplication tables
you spent only
one hour per week
studying them, you might still be wondering what 5 X 5
equals. You very likely spent a great deal of time at
home studying
your multiplication tables, maybe with flashcards.
The same is the case with psychotherapy. Goal achievement (if obtained)
could take a very
long time if all a person were only to think about
the techniques and topics taught was for one hour per
week. That's why
CBT therapists assign reading assignments and encourage
their clients to
practice the
techniques learned.
Psychopath vs Sociopath
Differences in Outward Behavior of a
Psychopath and a Sociopath
Social Relationships
Psychopaths often live at the
fringes of society. They often tend to be extremely disorganized and are unable
to maintain normal relationships with family, friends or co-workers. Unlike
psychopaths, sociopaths can be almost obsessively organized and are normal in
their social relationships, often forming symbiotic or parasitic relations. A
sociopath would likely live an outwardly normal life and appear to blend in
well with society; they may even be charming.
Psychopaths often find it hard to
maintain a steady job and home.
Sociopaths often have successful
careers and try to make others like and trust them. This is because they
understand human social emotions quite well but are unable to experience them.
This allows them to be master manipulators of human emotions.
Violent tendencies
A psychopath's outbreaks of violence
are erratic and unplanned. After an erratic act, psychopaths can often be
easily identified as they generally leave behind a trail of clues and a history
of violent outbursts.
A sociopaths can plan acts of
violence for years and may often be motivated by greed or revenge. Violent
crimes by sociopaths are often controlled and often go undetected until after a
sociopath is caught.
Similarities between Psychopaths and
Sociopaths and psychopaths both face
medical disorders that can be treated or alleviated if properly diagnosed.
Treatment involves therapies and may involve proper medication. In fact,
psychiatrists often don't distinguish between the two based on behavior; instead,
they label a person with ASPD a sociopath if their mental condition is a result
of mainly social conditions like abuse during childhood and a psychopath if the
condition is mainly congenital.
The symptoms in both cases begin to
establish and surface at approximately fifteen years of age. The initial
symptom can be excessive cruelty to animals followed by lack of conscience,
remorse or guilt for hurtful actions to others at a later stage. There may be
an intellectual understanding of appropriate social behavior but no emotional
response to the actions of others. Psychopaths may also face an inability to
form genuine relationships, and may show inappropriate or out of proportion
reaction to perceived negligence.
Treatment and Support
Antisocial Personality Disorder is a
mental illness that can be managed with drugs and therapy.
Common Roles of Military Psychologists on the Ground
The military is a select group of citizens who highly trained and
equipped to perform national security tasks in unique and often
and trauma filled situations. These situations can include the
front-lines of battle, national emergencies, allied assistance, or
disaster response scenes where they are providing relief-aid for
host populations of both friendly and enemy nations. Though many
psychologists may have a general understanding with regards to a
response to traumatic situations, Military Psychologists are
trained and experienced specialists in applied science and practice
among this special population. While the soldiers may be providing
direct aid to the victims of events, the Military Psychologists are
providing specialized aid to both soldiers, their families, and the
victims of the events as they cope with the often
"normal" response or
reaction to uncommon and abnormal circumstances.
In addition to the specialized roles previously mentioned, military
psychologists often study the dynamics, train people in, and
consult on
hostage negotiations. In some cases the psychologists might not be
one directly handling the hostage situation, but hostage
find value in resolving the hostage crisis using many of the
principles that are derived from the science of psychology. In
many of the principles of
the scientific discipline of Clinical
Psychology have their roots in the work of the early military
psychologists of World War II.
Another common practice domain for Military psychologists is in
performing Fitness for Duty Evaluations, especially in high risk
high reliability occupations. The set of unique challenges often
faced by those in the military and the professions of arms such as:
police, strategic security, and protective services personnel, the
ability to perform reliable and accurate fitness for duty
adds value and maximizes the human capitol investment in the
by optimizing retention of the talents of active and prospective
men and women while minimizing
risk in many areas including violence,
mishap, and injury potential. The types of Fitness evaluations
both basic entry examinations and career progression examinations
as those conducted when individuals are seeking promotion, higher
classification clearance status, and specialized, hazardous, and
critical working conditions.
When operational commanders become
concerned about the impact of continuous, critical, and traumatic
operations on those in their command, they often consult with the
Military Psychologist. Military psychologists can assess, diagnose,
treat and recommend the duty status most suitable for the optimal
well-being of the individual, group, and organization. Events that
affect the mental state, resilience or psychological assets and
vulnerabilities of the warrior and the command are where Military
Psychologists are most equipped to meet the unique challenges and
provide expert care and consultation to preserve the behavioral
of the fighting force. The Fitness Evaluations might lead to
directed administrative actions or provide the information
necessary to
make decisions by a medical board or other tribunal and must be
thoroughly conducted by non-biased individuals with the experience
training necessary to render a professional opinion that is
critical to
key decision makers. Military Psychologists must be well versed in
art and science of psychology as specialized applied practice
professionals. They must also be highly competent generalists in
military profession, and be able to understand both professions
enough to examine human behavior in the context of military
It takes the Psychologist several years beyond the Doctorate to
the expertise necessary to understand how to integrate psychology
the complex needs of the military.
Another very select and infrequent use of Military Psychology is in
interview of subjects, the interrogation of prisoners, and the
of those who may provide information of operational or intelligence
value that would enhance outcomes of friendly military operations
reduce friendly and enemy casualties. Psychology's scientific principles
applied here allow the
interviewer, agent, or interrogator to get as
much information as possible through non-invasive means without the
to resort to active measures
or risk violating the rules of engagement,
host nation agreements,
international and military law or crossing the
threshold of the Geneva Convention's guidelines to which the United
States and its allies subscribe, regardless of the status of many
of the
modern belligerent countries
on the international laws and United
Nations agreements.
My Opinion: The Role of Psychologists in the
military world was no doubt very important indeed. With the psychologist, the
tasks performed by the military will be running smoothly in accordance with the
planned strategy, more conditioned and mental health is also very helpful for
finding out the causes of the origin of the war opponents.
Working mom & Implications for Child Development
One of the effects of the financial crisis is the increasing needs can not be met because of the increasingly high prices . To meet these needs is one way to supplement the family income ... eventually that usually only the father is working now ibupun go to work .
Mothers who work have a lot of options . There are mothers who choose to work at home and there are mothers who choose to work outside the home . If mothers choose to work outside the home then the mother must be very clever to set the time for the family because it is essentially a mother has the main task of organizing the household affairs , including overseeing , regulating and guiding the children . Moreover, if the mother has a young child or toddler then a mother should know very well how to manage your time wisely . A child aged 0-5 years old are still very dependent on his mother . Because children 0-5 years of age have not been able to perform personal tasks such as eating , bathing , learning , and so on . They still need help from parents to do these jobs . If the child is entrusted to an aide , parents or mothers in particular should know very well that the maid was able to guide and assist the children in their work . If the maid was not able to do so then the kids who will suffer losses .
The formation of a child's personality begins when the child is 0-5 years old . Children will learn from the people and surroundings of the things done by the people around him . Children who are in an environment of people who are angry , hitting , and perform other acts of violence , the child will grow up to be a tough personal . For the mother or the parents should be wise in child care while parents work .Sometimes just because the environment is less supportive when young children will result in a negative impact on the growth of the child's personality in later ages . Such as juvenile delinquency cases , the involvement of children in the drug world , and so it could be due to the formation of personality in childhood that is not well formed .
For those reasons, mothers who work outside the home have to be wise to set a time . Work to meet the needs of the family is very precious , but still it must be remembered that the main task of a mother is the household . Mother who had left for work that morning and return in the afternoon should still take the time to communicate , joking , check school assignments although the mother is tired after a long day of working outside the home . But the sacrifice will be a joy if they see their children grow up to be strong and stable person .
As for the women who work in the rumahpun still should be able to manage time wisely . But the task is certainly not the only duty of the mother but the father also should be involved to help the mother to perform household tasks so that the integrity and harmony of the house tanggapun will remain well preserved .
Graney, M. J. Happiness and Social Participation in Aging. Journal
of Gerontology, 1975
Effect of Music on Children
Research shows that music , especially classical music greatly influenced the development of IQ ( Intelligent Quotien ) and EQ ( Emotional Quotien ) . A child who used to listen to music since childhood will be more developed emotional intelligence and intelligence compared with children who rarely listen to music . The meaning of the music here is music that has a regular rhythm and the tones are regular , not the notes "tilt " . Level of discipline children often listen to music is also better than the children who rarely listen to music .Grace Sudargo , a musician and educator says , " Fundamentals of classical music is generally derived from the rhythm of the human pulse so that it plays a major role in brain development , the formation of the soul , the character , even the human body " .
Research shows , classical music compositions containing the tone fluctuates between high tones and low tones will stimulate quadrant C in the brain . Until the age of 4 years , quadrants B and C in the brains of children will grow up to 80 % with music .
" Music really affect people's lives . Musical has 3 important parts of beat, rhythm , and harmony ," said Ev . Andrew Walker in a lecture music . " Beat affect the body , affecting the rhythm of the soul , while the harmony affect the spirit " . The most obvious example that greatly affects the body is beat in a rock concert . There can be no spectators or players in a rock concert that his body did not move . Everything rocked with a vengeance , and even tend to loose control . We still remember the " head banger " , a twisting movement heads to the rhythm of loud rock music . And as if the body was followed without feeling tired . If our hearts are hard, try listening to beautiful music , which has a rhythm ( rhythm ) is regular . Feeling we will be more comfortable and easy . Even abroad , the hospital play many beautiful songs to help cure his patients . It is a proof , that greatly affects the rhythm of the human soul . While greatly affect the spirit of harmony . If we watch a horror movie , always sounding harmony ( melody ) heart-wrenching , hair-raising which we stand . In religious rituals are also widely used human spirit that brings harmony into nature worship . In meditation , people hear the harmony of the sounds of nature around him . " Music is good for human life is music that balanced between beat, rhythm , and harmony ," said Ev . Andrew Walker .
A biophysicist has conducted an experiment on the effect of music for the survival of living beings . Two plants of the same species and age put at different places . Which one is placed near the speakers ( speaker ) that presents the songs slow rock and heavy rock , while the other plants placed near the speakers that play beautiful songs and rhythmic regularly . Occurred within a few days a very noticeable difference . Plants that were near the speakers rock songs to wither and die , while the plants were near the speakers beautiful songs grow fresh and flowering . A proof that music really affects our life .
The universe was created with a very beautiful natural music . Roar of the waves in the sea , the wind in the mountains , and the rain is a very beautiful natural music . And has been proven , how music influences the nature of human life .
Wulaningrum Wibisono , S.Psi said , "If you feel so heavy today , please check again your life today . Lest you have not been listening to music and singing ."
Erikson, E.H. Identity and the
life cycle: Psichological issues Monographs. New York: International
Universities Press, 1967
Senin, 21 Oktober 2013
Broken Home
Broken” Meaning : The state of families with divorced or separated fathers or mothers are constantly arguing. Definition: A condition caused chaos in the family of internal conflict within a family that lead to psychological stress. Broken Home is often the trigger of a person becomes addicted to drugs. Although not all cases of drug addiction is triggered by a Broken Home, but circumstances are not harmonious families often make a person look for an escape and tranquility in the form of drug consumption. Family environment that is conducive to creating a peace factor in a person, as well as the attention and affection bestowed on the child’s parents are naturally calm. Obtained from the family, can prevent someone from seeking peace in another form, one of which is by taking drugs. Broken home is a term used to describe a household, usually in reference to parenting, in the which the family unit does not function properly accepted societal norms According to. This household Might Suffer from domestic violence, a dissolved marriage, drug abuse, or anything else That interferes with the upbringing of children.
Behavior of social groups that allow a person to participate effectively in a group or society.
Broken Home Family impact on adolescent social development are: parental divorce itself lead to distrust of the ability and position, he felt humbled to be afraid to come out and hang out with friends. Children’s difficult to adjust to the environment. In family crippled boy who grew up, tend to have difficulty adjusting to the environment, the difficulties that come naturally from the child himself. Impact on young women who do not have a father behaved with extreme one way to a man, they really pulled out the possibility that passive and inferior both too active, aggressive and flirtatious.
broken home broken home is very impact on the psychology of children and can make the child fall into promiscuity, drugs and drinking
Sigmund Freud is widely known for his psycho sexual stages of development. He believed that if
these stages were not completed, a fixation would develop. According to Freud, oral fixations,
such as thumb sucking, gum chewing, and smoking, were the result of an uncompleted oral
stage. We believed that earliest form of oral pleasure, breastfeeding, would have a connection
with an oral fixation that can occur later in life (smoking). We hypothesized that the duration of
breastfeeding, whether too long or too short would have some kind of effect with the incidence
of smoking later in life.
‘Oral receptive’ is brought on by too much nursing whereas ‘oral aggressive is brought
on by not enough nursing and/or by early weaning. Oral receptive people are often
cheerful, unrealistically optimistic and very self-centered yet can’t bear the disapproval
of others. Through the defence mechanism of sublimation, they may show an interest
in languages, be a compulsive talker and be good at ventriloquism. The language used
to describe overly- dependent people may reflect their orality - eg: ‘leech’. Very
gullible people may be called ‘suckers’.
‘Oral aggressive’ people are often perceived as greedy and acquisitive, envious, pessimistic, cynical, sarcastic, scornful and contemptuous.
‘Oral aggressive’ people are often perceived as greedy and acquisitive, envious, pessimistic, cynical, sarcastic, scornful and contemptuous.
Orally- fixated people often seek gratification through smoking, thumb- sucking, nail- biting
and chewing objects like pens and pencils. A predilection for oral sex is also seen
as an indication of an oral personality.
smoking is not good for our health and we must keep health of our family and environment. maybe opinion Sigmund Freud it's true because it's reasonable
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